The 6th of June 2018 the professional inclusion training and awareness raising event took place at Arinella beach at Bastia.
As part of the reasoned cleaning of the Arinella beach, the Etudes et Chantiers team, partner of the Co-Creative Youth consortium, is mandated by the city of Bastia with the technical support of the Conservatoire du Littoral of Corsica to carry out the selective sorting of anthropogenic waste collected on the beach, lay out ganivelles to allow the dunes to re-establish themselves and to sensitize the general public to the importance of the preservation of the site. This action takes place every Wednesday during the summer season from April to September 2018. The target group is the trainees and the employees involved in the professional inclusion training pathway and the passer-by’s. We registered a high participation of stakeholders (several members of the city of Bastia), the local television, two local newspapers and an interview for the local radio broadcast station.
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